Firstly, the hearts of everyone associated with Founders’ Vision USA go out to the families and victims of the AA 5342 crash.
Sadly, Donald Trump’s response to the tragic collision of AA 5342 was unbecoming of the leader of our nation. Before all the bodies had been counted, Trump used the tragedy as an opportunity to advance the partisan agenda against DEI initiatives. Until there is a formal report, all value judgements regarding DEI initiatives and their potential effect on the tragedy are complete conjecture. As Americans it is our duty to form opinions independently from narratives pushed by others, rejecting conjecture and embracing objective critical thought.
The degradation of objective critical thinking will only fuel the political polarization that is poisoning our nation’s discourse. Let us refrain from seeking fault in those that disagree with us, and pray for those whose plight will be tastelessly used as a means of political advancement.
Our prayers and bandwidth of thought go to the victims and their families.
Lucas Lopez Forastier
Founders' Vision USA